9/10 clients report a significant improvement in symptoms within 3 months*

*Based on follow up survey data collected from clients

featured SUCCESS STORY august '24
SAM, 34 (UK)

What was your coaching experience like?

"[Lynari] helped give me hope and perhaps more importantly a practical plan in a really dark place. The level of empathy, understanding and non-judgementalness, as well as degree of knowledge in the pelvic pain topic was a stark contrast to the medical experts I'd seen before.""Lynari felt like a friend who had your back, I really appreciated his level of investment which went way beyond his professional responsibility.""Lastly, he brought an impressive solution-oriented mindset and creativity in unpicking the complicated picture of my mental and physical health. The prompt email replies and his availability were also much appreciated."

What helped the most?

"Breathwork for nervous system regulation and leveling out in what felt like a downward spiral. Then the pelvic physio and treating the ADHD."

Standard disclaimer: The content of this site is for informational or educational purposes only, and does not substitute medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Conditions I work with

  • Male and Female Pelvic Pain & Dysfunction

  • Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS)

  • Neuroplastic pain and symptoms/CSS

  • Chronic Prostatitis

  • Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS)

  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD)

  • Levator Ani Syndrome

  • Hard Flaccid (HF)

  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

  • Non-specific Urethritis (NSU)

  • Allodynia & Vulvodynia

  • Mycoplasma Genitalium

  • Ureaplasma Urealyticum

  • Other urogenital STIs

Accessible & affordable telehealth coaching - personalized to you

I use the telehealth platform (HIPPA compliant) for all 1:1 video appointments. Your personal information is secure and is not shared with any party.Unlike traditional medical visits, I spend a full 50-70 minutes with new clients - enough to go in-depth on your case and talk at a comfortable pace.And unlike others in the field, I do not offer generic 'one size fits all' online courses, only custom care that's tailored to your unique presentation of symptoms; shown to be more successful in achieving recovery outcomes.Coaching rates are reasonable - about what you'd pay for a personal training session.

Work with an experienced pelvic pain coach

I deeply understand the frustration, confusion, and the immense suffering that pelvic pain & dysfunction can cause.

My practice is rooted in 10 years of my own personal transformative experience with pelvic pain and dysfunction (CPPS), 3 years of professional health coaching experience working with over 300 clients, combined with primary medical sources (peer-reviewed literature), and years of experience moderating the r/prostatitis, r/mycoplasmagenitalium, r/ureaplasma health subreddits.

I've seen countless variations of pelvic pain & dysfunction, and through experience know the best tools and techniques to apply based on your unique presentation. I'll be there every step of the way to guide you through your recovery.

Client success stories

Book a consult or ask a question

Tell me about yourself and your case.

Standard disclaimer: The content of this site is for informational or educational purposes only, and does not substitute medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

The Lynari Difference

Bridging the gap between neuromuscular pain, STIs, and neuroplastic pain & symptoms

Unlike other health coaches and providers, I have deep knowledge across the three most important domains of pelvic pain and dysfunction. This includes symptoms caused by infections, muskuloskeletal & neuromuscular issues, and centralized/neuroplastic pain and symptoms (CSS, TMS, MBS). And, I understand and practice evidence-based approaches to treatment for all three of these causes of symptoms.So when a PT looks at you funny when you mention "My symptoms go away when I'm distracted or on vacation" and they don't know how to respond, I do.When your urologist stares at you blankly as you mention comorbid conditions like IBS, CFS, TMJD (etc), I use that to inform my work on your case.When your pain psychologist or talk therapist doesn't know what MGen or Ureaplasma is, I do. And I know how to direct your care.And finally and perhaps most importantly, I only offer personalized 1:1 video appointments, no "one size fits all" online courses. This 1:1 customized care is incredible important for successful outcomes.